The other day my husband heard a joke about the next item being released from Apple was going to be something that resembled an SLR camera due to the number of people taking pictures of food. We had a great laugh as I have become that person! Whenever I bake something really cool or anything at all from Pinterest I take a picture so eventually I can show all of you. Tonight we made a hamburger from Rachel Ray's burger cookbook and the kids said "Take a picture of it!". I laughed - what have I done?
I do not believe that I am a great photographer and I take several pictures to try not to get shadows on the food but hopefully I will get better. I'd love to take a course and hopefully sometime soon I will get that opportunity. I love pictures and I find I am so much more likely to try something when I see what it is supposed to look like. I think that is why I have fallen in love with Pinterest so much! When flipping through a cookbook I find it difficult to always imagine what the end product is supposed to look like but when there is a picture present I am more willing to give it a try.
I've had a couple of friends recently comment on my baking and say that I should be selling it. I am so grateful for the compliments but I do not feel like I am good enough yet as I am not a perfectionist. I do not feel like my cupcakes are iced to perfection and would feel bad selling something that is not perfect. Am I the only one out there that feels like that? I did tell them though that I would be more than willing just to make them cupcakes! I love trying new things and would bake every day if I was able to!
Here's to trying new things and getting more practice on the things we need to improve on!
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